Hüffer Top Executive Assessments: Contents
To best get to know you best as a person with your skills and to be able to compare these with a company’s requirements, the following seven dimensions are among those that are analyzed and weighted differently dependent on company requirements:
1. Integrating
Integration, attitude towards others, activity/presence, contact behaviour, solving conflicts
2. Leadership
Claim to exerting influence, way of influencing, keeping focused, structuring developments, implementation, checking on results
3. Assertiveness
Own point of view, courage of personal convictions and personal involvement, argumentation, negotiating skills, conclusion-orientated
4. Presenting and communicating
Verbal: manner of speaking, language, body language, development, mastering the discussion, use of graphic aids; written: design/structure, language used/style of writing, contents
5. Problem-solving
Recognizing issues, identifying causes and connections, gaining an overview, developing and assessing solutions, selecting a solution
6. Planning and organizing
DQS (de quoi s’agit-il: recognizing, arranging, analyzing), setting priorities, planning courses of action and procedure, time required/deadlines, cost/benefit criteria for resources, issuing /delegating orders, checking, practical aids, overview, result
7. Personality aspects
Charisma, range of interests/horizon, independence, manners, trust, responsibility, dealing with changes, contradictions, self-confidence, ability to work under pressure, commitment